Acton Skating Club
Serving the Acton Community
Winter Registration is now closed.
To view schedules, click on the level you are interested in learning about.
End of Year Show!!
We are planning to have an end of year show this year scheduled for March 29.
Information will be shared as soon as details are worked out. We hope that you can join us!
Click here for Information about Hillsburgh Erin Skating Club StarSkate Performance Event
All Our Programs
** click to learn more
** PLEASE NOTE: Skaters must be registered 48 hours prior to the first class in order to ensure time for proper processing.
Learn to Skate which includes:
-Parent and Tot (ages 2-4)
-Pre Canskate ( ages 3-5)
-Canskate (youth ages 5+)
-Pre Power
-Power ** Newly added program!!
-Pre Star/ Star 1
-Star 2-5
Star 6-10
High School Volunteer Hours - The Acton Skating Club requires volunteers to help run many aspects of the programs. Email the club or see a board member for more details.
Full Season Discount Available for Learn-to -Skate Programs! - see details on the program pages
NEW!! Power Skating - Hockey coming this Fall! - We will be offering Power Skating in addition to Pre-Power this coming Fall and Winter season! Dates, times and fees are now posted.
Fall Discount Available for PreStar / Star 1 skaters for Fall session! -See details on the program pages
Parents and Guardians - Volunteer to help our club! - As a non-profit club, the Acton Skating Club requires volunteers to join the board or help in other ways. Email the club or see a board member for more details.
Canskate Excellence for ASC!! - Congratulation to all our coaches for exceeding SkateOntario standards to receive the Canskate Excellence Award!
Registration Note: Skaters must be registered 48 hours prior to the first class in order to ensure amble time for proper processing.